Hold fast to what you have until I come. And to the one that conquers and observes my deeds down to the end, I will give authority over the nations., - Rev. 2:25, 26In this scripture, Jesus was talking to the congregation in Thyratira in Asia Minor. Does he have the authority to give others authority? Yes, he does. He is ruling now as King of God's Kingdom, established in heaven in 1914.
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Think of the authority Jesus has as head of all the congregations. He does not have to thank us for the work we do for him.The fact that he does thank us and expresses appreciation is heartwarming. His example is an excellent one for parents, husbands and elders to imitate. I need to work on this as well, and I try to give commendation whenever possible, so that in times I need to say something, it will be accepted.
We are encouraged to hold fast to what we've learned from examining Jehovah and Jesus, and to improve ourselves in an effort to do more than we did before.
Let us do our best to do something meaningful to benefit ourself and not do what's expedient (lie, cheat, steal, manipulate others for our gain) . While the things Jesus said to that congregation apply to those of the 144,000 who go to heaven to rule with Jesus "over the nations", we are encouraged to do what we can for Jehovah's Kingdom.
Stay safe!
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