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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

... the text for May 19, 2020

I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me. - Micah 7:7
Hands down, this is one of my favorite scriptures. When someone thoughtlessly hurts me or shows me contempt or other poor attitudes, I recite this scripture to myself. It helps me be patient and enduring.

I know that Jehovah is aware of everything.  When people tell me something that seems to be a lie, I say, "As long as Jehovah knows the truth, I don't worry about anything," and I let it go at that. I don't argue. I say, "oookayyy" and move on.

The first part of this verse says, "I will keep on the lookout for Jehovah". I can expect Jehovah to fulfill his word. The other scriputre I like is Ps. 37:5, which says, in part, "Rely on him [Jehovah], and he will act in your behalf." These two scriptures really help me.

Why? Well, being deaf is bad enough. Going blind along with it is worse. Could people take advantage of this? Sure, they can. They could say something mean or cruel to me, and upon my reaction, tell me I didn't hear what they said. Jehovah heard it, though. And He will act in my behalf.

I have seen Jehovah act on my behalf many times during my life. When I was a teenager, I had a brother I truly trusted, tell me, while preaching from door-to-door, that he was going to "find something on me, and get rid of me", meaning that he intended to look for a wy to expel me from the congregation. Years later, I run into his wife and grown-up daughter at a convention. He was no longer serving Jehovah. People have told me things that conflicted with official Bethel and Governing Body information, and they too, no longer serve Jehovah.

I really don't worry about a thing, but try, as my imperfect body and mind allows me, to serve Jehovah as much as I'm able.

I encourage you also to keep on the lookout for Jehvah and wait patiently for his acting in your behalf. You may need to endure your situation until the new system, but the wait is totally worth it!

Stay safe!

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