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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

... the text for May 17, 2020

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts. - Isa. 55:9
Remember that old t.v. show, Father Knows Best? Well, Jehovah is the ultimate Father, the all mighty supremem Being over every molecule in space and on earth.

There are so many self-help books available. While they do have good points about improving our life, they tend to conflict God's Word. For example, one book would say "happiness is walking with God", then it ignored the creation account, explaining evolution. The author even claimed the Bible contained stories. This is worldly wisdom for you.

Does any of the self-help books solve war? Crime? Racism? No, they serious fail in those important areas. Jesus said, "Wisdom is proved righteous by its works." (Matt. 11:19) So, which wisdom is desirable: the Bible's truth, or imperfect men and women who shrug apologetically when they can't answer a question about why racism exists?

Indeed, our Father knows best. And He tells us throughout the Scriptures. Some focus on the Gospels, but that's only part of the story.  As you read Exodus, think about God's patience. The nation of Israel tested it time and time again. How about Judges? The people obeyed Jehovah, everything was great; he bless them. They peopel turned to other gods, Jehovah withheld his protection and they were overrun by their enemies. Over and over again, he forgave them, blessed them and everything. Then they would stupidly do it again. Finally, Jehovah's patience ran out.

Do you think it's the same today? Jehovah is patient, waiting for those to understand that He really does know best. But, his patience is running out amd the events in Revelation will occur.

It's important to read the whole Bible! All of it, even the seeminly boring chronology of who begat who. All of that is important.

Here's my favorite example of Jehovah's wisdom: When Adam and Eve sinned, Gen. 3:7 sys: "...they realized that they were naked. So they sewed fig leaves together and made loin coverings for themselves." Jehovah discovers what they've done, so He pronounces his judgement upon them, and cast them out of the garden of Eden. What did Jehovah do after He punished them? Gen. 3:21: "And Jehovah God made long garments from skins for Adam and for his wife, to clothe them."

What?!!!! They ruined it for everyone! They condemned us all to sin and death from that one act of rebellion. They alread y had fig leaves covering them up. This is a beautiful example of Jehovah's mercy.  Jehover certainly had every right to be angry!

It just boggles my mind how humans can create gods for themselves who are cruel, demanding, requiring deaths of children as sacrifices, and many other atrocities. Some even paint God himself as unloving by believing in a hell fire, a place of eternal torment. If that really existed, that would conflict mightily with the mercy that Jehovah showed to our first parents.

Read. the. whole. Bible. Learn from the Almighty Father who really does know best.

(As a side note: in Gen. 3:20, Adam named Eve. So, she didn't have a name from the time of her creation until the Fall. What did he call her before that? Jehovah may tell us later.) 

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