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Thursday, May 14, 2020

... the text for May 13, 2020

Stop being molded by this system of things. - Rom. 12:2
I had been reading this book, 12 Rules for Life
written by Jordan Peterson, a psychologist. It is an interesting book and had good points to consider. Someone suggested I read it as it included the Bible and it would help. As I was listening to the book, Mr. Peterson made statements that indicated that it was good to "walk with God", but he claimed that the Bible was "absurd" and he routinely questioned why God did things a certain way.
When I read anything, even the Smithsonian magaizine (which I really enjoy) or anything, I keep in my mind what's true and what's not. So, when the contributor brings up evolution, I immediately ignore what he says about it and focus on the points that were made in the article.

The same was true of this book. I had almost wanted to take his book, and write blog posts that corrected the erroneous thinking that he portrays, which is indeed worldly viewpoints.

The world is full of philosophies and guesswork about why things happen the way they do. Satan has influenced it so much that we accept it and go with the flow, because it's expedient. We need to reject that and to do that, we need to constantly compare what we hear and read with what we know from being taught about Jehovah and his Son.

Maybe if Mr. Peterson read the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, he would realize the Bible was not absurd. If he used the King James Version, I could understand why he would think that way, as that version is very hard to understand and has many errors. My post would end up being a novel if I chose to go into that, but you can actually compare Bibles online, at They recently added The Bible in Living English.

Why is it good to compare? Just like three witnesses at a scene of an accident. Between all three versions, you get a clearer understanding of what happened.

Please be careful not to get caught up in what everyone else thinks or does. It isn't easy to stand against the tide, but if we keep our feet firmly planted (with the right kind of knowledge), we won't be swept away by the "philosophy and empty deception according to human tradition". (Col. 2:8)

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