Genesis 40-41
More about Joseph.
Gen. 40:8 says in part:
Gem/ 40:15:
Gen. 41:14:
Gen 41:16 -
Sometimes, it takes time for justice to be done. If you find yourself in an unfar position or condition, complaining about it does not help matters. True, we should throw out burdens on Jehovah, and give entreties. But, we know we can be patient, because at the right time, Jehovah will act on our behalf. (Ps. 55:22, Phil. 4:6-7, Ps. 37:5)
Gen 41:33
gen. 41:51
Joseph continued to focus on Jehovah and serving him, and did not focus on himself, or allow himself to think about what happened in the past. This is a good lesson for me, as I have suffered much in the past. But, if I continue to look forward, all of that will be, not completely forgotten, but a mere whisper.
Gen. 40:8 says in part:
...Do not interpretations belong to God? Relate them to me, please.Joseph recognized Jehovah as the One giving dreams and the One interpreting them. It wasn't Joseph's own power and knowledge, but all glory belongs to Jehovah God. Also, he was confident that Jehovah could give him the interpretation of the dreams.
Gem/ 40:15:
I was, in fact, kidnapped....why didn't he complain about being sold in slavery? For a couple of reasons. One, he did not want to shame his family, and two, he did not harbor any ill resentment toward his brothers. Why? Likely because he realized the Jehovah had given him the dream he had told his brothers before. He saw the hand of God working toward some purpose.
Gen. 41:14:
...He [Joseph] shaved and changed his clothes and went in to Pharaoh.This demonstrated a proper respect for authority. Even today, those who come before judges or governments dress appripriately for the occasion.
Gen 41:16 -
..."I need not be considered! God will speak concerning Pharaoh's welfare."The event sin this chapter occurred two years after chapter 41. Even after that time, Joseph maintained a humble attitude. Even though the chief cupbearer kept forgetting him, he did not dwell on this but maintained his ralationship with Jehovah.
Sometimes, it takes time for justice to be done. If you find yourself in an unfar position or condition, complaining about it does not help matters. True, we should throw out burdens on Jehovah, and give entreties. But, we know we can be patient, because at the right time, Jehovah will act on our behalf. (Ps. 55:22, Phil. 4:6-7, Ps. 37:5)
Gen 41:33
...let Phaeaoh look for a man who is discreet and wise...Joseph did not demand to put in the position of oversight, however, Jehovah's spirit moved him to make the suggestion, which found favor with Pharoah, who praised Joseph and hired him, as it were, on the spot. The lesson is if we trust and rely on Jehovah, he will give us what we need to fulfill our duties. We do not need to "toot our own horn".
gen. 41:51
...God had made me forget all my trouble and all the house of my father.
Joseph continued to focus on Jehovah and serving him, and did not focus on himself, or allow himself to think about what happened in the past. This is a good lesson for me, as I have suffered much in the past. But, if I continue to look forward, all of that will be, not completely forgotten, but a mere whisper.
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