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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

... the text for May 27, 2020

You have found favor with God. - Luke 1:30
Why did Mary find favor with God? He had been observing her and her faithfulness in regards to His worship. She was a humble woman who feared Jehovah.

Therfore, she was chosen to give birth to Jesus.

A question: How would Mary feel to be so venerated by many today? The Immaculate Virgin, the Mother of God are titles given to her. But, you read the Bible account about her life, do you see her praising herself, or praising Jehovah?

Luke 1:46-53 highlights some of her expressions:
  • soul magnifies Jehovah...
  • ...holy is his [Jehovah's] name...
  • ...his mercy is upon those who fear him...
In vs 50, she said:
... he has scattered those who are haughty in the intention of their hearts

Does this sound like a person who should be revered? No. Did she brag about having God's Son? No, she acknowledge that Jehovah was the one who provided this in Luke 1: 49, "... because the powerful One has done great things for me, and holy is his name." She would be truly offended if she saw what the world thinks of her.

Notice, too, when Jesus was born,  lowly shepherds were notified of his birth, not the prominent or wealthy ones.

The key point is this: Humility finds favor with Jehovah God. You may be a spiritual person, doing the things you should be doing, but if you have any superior or proud attitudes, even feeling contempt for others, even feeling entitled to things, that will not work with Jehovah. Those who are truly humble in heart and deeds will be noticed by God.

Time is running out. We are so close to the end, so please, endeavor to root out incorrect feelings and thinking, and replace them with true humility. It takes effort, but it can be done.

Be safe!

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