O Jehovah, who may be a guest in your tent? ... The one who is ... speaking the truth in his heart. - Ps. 15:1,2The comments had this to say:
People often resort to lying to protect themselves or to promote themselves. They lie to cover up their mistakes and misdeeds or to gain economic and personal advantages.There was an article entitled Why We Lie, by Y. Bhatacharjee, that points out "lying" is "recognized as a deeply ingrained human trait." It also states how many people can "lie with ease, in ways big and small, to strangers, co-workers, friends, and loved ones."
I'm guilty as charged. So, what can I do? As the above stated, I'm not the only one. I don't purposely lie, but the time to utter an untruth is timed in milliseconds. Sometimes we realize we've lied after the fact. The scripture above is important. Would you care to have a bad person visit your home and spread harm? No, you would keep him away. It's the same with God. God's tent is His designated place. It is the congregations established by Jehovah through his Governing Body.
Can you be blocked from having a relationship with God for habitually lying? Yes, you can. Prov. 6:17 lists lying as the second on the list of things that Jehovah hates. Ps. 55:6 says "You [Jehovah] findpleasure in truth in the inner person." A serious matter, no?
Fear of punishment is strong in many. Humans punish each other in amazingly cruel ways, even worse than how Jehovah, in his justice and wisdom, will do it. But, we need to work hard on this trait. So, if someone points out something we've done, the first impulse may be "I didn't do it!" or "Not me!" (an imaginary creature in the comic strip Family Circle, who is usually blamed for everything)
If we've blurted out the lie, immediately address it and apologize. Strive to firmly develop in your heart the desire to speak truth to one another. Pray to God for forgiveness and "produce fruit that befits repentance." (Matt. 3:8)
A good standing with Jehovah, who reads your heart, is much better than how you appear to other people. Work hard to develop the resolve to maintain truthfulness in all your dealintgs from within, and this includes admitting your mistakes, along with being honest with yourself and others.
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