Many are the plans in a man's heart, but the counsel of Jehovah is what will prevail. - Prov. 19:21Some years ago, during the mid-week meeting, a brother was conducting the part about "reaching out for greater privileges" which was to encourage ones to do just that. One of the olders boldly raised his hand, and proclaimed to the congregation that he "will be a circuit overseer". Not, "I'm desiring to", or, "It is my goal to..". He stated it as a matter of fact, as if it was a done deal.
That was 13 years ago, and to my knowledge, that brother is still serving as an elder in that congregation.
While that was a bold example, it illustrates this point: We can have plans or goals. We can say we will do this or that with a fair amount of certainty, but imperfection and "unexpected events" happen. (Eccl. 9:11)
Not with Jehovah. His promises are as good as done. Even if circumstances appear to derail His purpose, it will still come true.
We learned that this week in the Bible reading (Gen. 38-39). It was Jehovah's will that Jesus would come from the line of Judah. Two of Judah's sons were bad and punished by Jehovah. They did not produce offspring. Judah was afraid the the youngest son would have some calamity, so he did not marry him with Tamar, the wife of his oldest son. Did that ruin God's goal? No, he allowed a situation that caused Judah to have relations unknowingly with his daughter-in-law and provided the seed, Perez, who was a forefather of Jesus.
Today, COVID-19 had no effect on Jehovah's organization. We were able to meet together (via Zoom) to commemorate the Memorial. Though we could not publicly invite people to the Memorial, many were able to attend. We also are able to have our meetings via Zoom despirte the "stay oat home" order of many areas. How? Through Jehovah's holy spirir and the direction he gives to the Governing Body.
We can always trust our God, Jehovah, who gives his Word that there will be a paradise and a resurrection of those who have died from COVID-19. We look forward to that day and rely on Jehovah for everything.
Stay safe!
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