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Sunday, May 31, 2020

... the Night of the Drive-Thrus

Yesterday, the city I live in instituted a curfew. The first night, they started the curfew at 8pm. Today, we all got an emergency alert on our phones, notifying us that the curfew continues today from 8pm to 5:30am.

This was around 4 or so. At about 5:30, we get an updated alert, saying the curfew is from 6pm to 6am! What ensued? Pandemonium!

I had been craving fish and chips from this sports bar we frequently go to. So, we drove over there, called in and was told they ran out of fish! What to do? My wife suggested this burger place we usually go to. Okay. We drive over there, and there is a long line for the drive=thru. Cars were lined up out on the boulevard. In all my years here, we have never seen that.

I didn't want to wait, so I mentioned a fast-food Mexicam restaurant. We drive there. Huge line. Strangley, the In-N-Out burger place was closed! They are usually the busiest, but today, nada.

I said, forget it. We have food at home. Everyone is trying to get dinner before the curfew starts. Many will not be happy. So, we drive home, passing several other fast-food places, all with long lines out into the street. Complete bedlam. I imagine it was just as bad everywhere else in the city.

I can understand it needed to be done. There have been rioting, arson and looting in many cities around the country, in protest of a policeman killing a civilian. Everyone is angry at the government curtailing their "freeedom" by causing businesses to close, wearing masks in public, so the curfew is just one more log for the blazing fire. Is Protest the Answer?

I am pround to be in an organization that gives us direction and tells us to be calm, just follow the medical advice, the government edicts. It's all really for our good, so we are glad to obey.

Luke 21:26 quotes Jesus as saying what will happen during the "last days": "People will become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth..." And that's exactly what's happening. People don't know what to do, so they're lashing out at anything and everything.

Trust in Jehovah, and He will carry us through this time. What we see today will be worse tomorrow. 

Keep the fait, and be safe.

... the text for May 31, 2020

Let your heart be glad in the days of your youth. - Eccl. 11:9
I graduated high school at age 17. I was also baptized that year. I didn't pioneer right away, but I did try to be regular in the ministry, going out during the week.  I had one preaching buddy, a cranky old man, who lived in his little RV. His wife had recently left him for a doctor, leaving him with little. But, he had a faith in Jehovah and was always at meetings and service. So, we worked together often.  He was in his 70s, and i was 17; he was overweight, I was awkward and skinny. Kind of like Laurel and Hardy.

I had thought about Bethel service, but didn't do it. I considered pioneering, but it didn't happen. My folks were not pushy, they didn't try to help me set goals or take part in anything. It wasn't until later, when I was in my 30s and 40s, that I tried doing more. I was able to pioneer for one year. I was in the RBC, working as a help desk for a program that volunteers could sign up for and allows for finding help quickly for special skills, etc.

Now, I'm past 50, and I feel frustrated that I can only do so much with my current disabilities. I can't just hop in a car and drive where ever. I need ridges and help with things. All I can be is a presence in my congregation, and participate in the meetings. I still pray to Jehovah about what else I can do. So, I started this blog.

The idea of the blog is to review the text, but also find applications for me in my life. I have experienced so many things. I thank Jehovah that I am able to have the insight on what the scriptures mean, not only to me, but maybe to some of you as well. If you don't serve Jehovah, reading this will teach you more about him, but also realize that we're all imperfect people. I have made many mistakes in life, but I try to apply what I read. Such as having an "inner truth", so to put that into action, I told myself no to do anything that I would need to lie about.

I say to the younger ones, if you have a desire for theocraic things, go for it. Don't wait for mom and dad to approve. Don't wait for your friends to do it so that you can follow their example. Efforts large and small are always appreciated by God, and he can do amazing things with the little effort you put in.

Do it with a complete heart, and you will be able to look back on your life and have good memories to cherish, and the good memories will cover over the bad, the mistakes that we all make in life.

Stay safe

.. the text for May 30, 2020

Accept the helmet of salvation. - Eph. 6:17
One day, I was preaching with my friend. We were in Pasadena, and we decided to walk through a few stores, using sign language to attract deaf ones.

My friend is a shutterbug. He is constantly taking pictures of whatever with his phone. So, we were walking along the street, I with my cane, he with his phone out snapping away. I didn't know he had stopped to take a picture of a sign, so I kept walking.

Then I noticed he wasn't there, so I turned and looked back. A woman was passing me and as I stood there looking for my buddy, she tapped me on the shoulder and asked, "Do you need help?" She was a short, black woman, about 30 or so. I smiled and said, "No, I'm just waiting for my friend," just as he arrived at my side. She smailed and nodded. I thanked her for her help.

We talked to a couple of people at a bus stop, then crossed to the other side of the avenue, and walked back. We were getting hungry, and we wanted to meet up with other members of our group who were off elsewhere, so we headed back toward the car.

As we walked along, the same woman that tried to help me, she caught up with us and tapped me on the shoulder. She exlaimed, "I didn't realize that you were deaf and blind, I'm so sorry!" She went on to tell me that when she was younger, she had a temporary blindness that afflicted her for a week. She also said that she has tender feelings for those who are disabled. Then she said, "I will pray for you."

I graciously thanked her, but she kept on, "No, I will pray for you. I can put my hands on you, and you will receive sight!" I then understood, she was a faith healer. She confirmed it when she said, "I am a pastor and have my own church. I can lay my hands on you and pray, and your eyes will be opened. Don't you want that?"

I told her, "I truest my God, Jehovah. He has an appointed time, and will heal me. Meanwhile, I will continue to do what I can with the aid of my friends. She became incredulous. "What? Don't' you want to be healed now? I can do it in no time." "No, I truest God and will wait patiently for him to ..." "But," she interrupted, "why go through the suffering, what's the tpoint of it?"

My friend and I showed her scriptures and tried to explain that Christ's true followers would suffer and endure. We had to pick up our torture stake and follow him. My torture stake happens to be my eyes and my ears, and I go through it.

"What would you do, if I heal you, right here, right now?" First of all, if she was going to pray for me, she needed to have her head covered. I didn't point that out. I also knew that the truth was, if she could have healed me, it wasn't with Jehovah's backing, and it would be the work of Satan, who blinds people to the true knowledge of God, Jesus, death, and many other teachings. I said, "I trust my God."  She threw up her hands, and walked away, "Okay, keep on sufferin'!"

The comments today in the text say this:
Satan surely knew that Jesus had the hope of eventually ruling mankind. But Jesus would have to wait until Jehovah's appointed time. And before then, he would have to suffer and die. So Satan offered Jesus the chance to fulfill his hope sooner.
That helmet is an important part of the armor. Let the helment of salvation protect our thinking, in that we wait for Jehovah, the one who can heal. I keep repeating it as a mantra, the words of Micah 7:7, which says, "I will keep on the lookout for  Jehovah, I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation."

Keep the hope alive. It will be here; it will not be late.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

... the text for May 29, 2020

The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. - 1 John 5:19
Recently, a couple returned from a road trip to Chicago and bck. They related that on this trip, when ever they stopped, they wore their masks. In some areas, people were not wearing masks and so others looked upon this couple with hostile looks.

In Minnesota, people are rioting and burning down buildings and looting. All this in protest of the government institting a lockdown due to the pandemic of COVID-19. Many are angry.

It is clear from the scripture above why things are the way they are. How does it start?

The comments today make this point:
He [Satan] understands that storytelling does much more than entertain us; it teaches us how to think, feel, and act.
 We have a slew of films and television shows that promote violence, rebellion, anger, contempt, prejudices, hatred of family members, and so on. We must be careful what we watch. If we keep watching these types of entertainment, we start to emulate and think the same way. It's not good.

Soon, the ruler of this world will be cast out, along with the people that follow him. Gone will be the vile and selfish "what's in it for me" attitudes that is so prevalent today.

Imagine a place where everyone smiles and is truly your friend, with no motives or selfish reasons attached. I long for that world, and it's getting closer everyday.

... the text for May 28, 2020

Jehovah became furious at Solomon. - 1 Kings 11:9
Jehovah was righteously angry with Solomon, because He had warned him about seeking other gods. How did Solomon end up on this path? Well, he did have many wives, who did not worship Jehovah. In time, he turned away from God, the one who gave him supassing wisdom.

When I was married to my first wife, it was good for a time. Then what happened was that she didn't feel like going to the meetings. I was serving as a ministerial servant at the time. Monday nights were our book study (about 27 years ago). We carpooled to work, so on that night, my wife would cajole me into going to a sports bar. Then it became regular, and so, our meeting attendance started to drop.

In time, I was removed as a minsterial servant, because I was absent all the time from meetings. I did love my wife, so I allowed her to influence me in that way.

I was inactive for five years. When I mustered up the strength to go to meetings again, and studying, my wife started to persecute me. She would purposely start a fight with me on meeting nights, so that i would be too angry or upset to go. I caught onto her game, so I went to the meetings mad and upset anyway.

She had even gone so far as to tell me that she wanted me to love her even though she wanted to be worldly. I told her I loved Jehovah first, so it became a competition with her to get me to sin against Jehovah.

Eventually, I gave in, haviing met a woman at a computer club meeting. I got divorced, and that was that. But, the damage I had received was so great, it took almost 10 years after my divorce to feel whole again.

It's important to remember, Micah 7:6 says your enemy is your household. That's exactly how Satan uses the situation. So, one would be weaker than the other and the effect is similar to a bowl of apples. If one rots, it affects the others so that they're rotten to. It's crucial to have the resolve that nothing will get in the way of your worship to Jehovah. Evem an innocent action like missing the occasional meeting, not studying, skipping Bible reading, sleeping in when you should be going in service, these can have a cumulative effect, so let us work hard to maintain a strong spiritual routine.

Bad associations come in two flavors: one is very clear, the other very subtle. Satan uses the subtle because it works gradually, slowly eroding away the faith and the habits until it's gone.

Solomon was the wisest man on earth, but he lost it all with associating with the wrong people. It's a good thing to make friends who want the best for you. Anything else is dangerous.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

A preaching experience from Sweden

An experience from an convention in Sweden. I received the video, which the brother translated into English:

The brother who was interviewing asked the first sister if she finds it easy doing store-to-store service and she answers right away, "No. It has never been easy for me. It has always been a struggle to find the courage to do it, til one day I mustered up the courange and I entered a shoe store, and simply put the magazines on the counter and said to the lady, "These are for you", and then I left the store quickly because of feeling uncomfortable.

Then the microphone was passed to the second sister and she said, "Yes, I am that sales lady at the shoe store. I began to read the magazines very quickly, and in a short while I said to myself, 'Incredible! This is the truth'!And I read all the magazines with great interest, and said to myself, 'If these magazines are so interesting and so practical, they probably also will be for someone else, so I gave them to the owner of the shoe store."

Then she passes the microphone to the brother next to her, and he says, "I was the owner of that store. And I read the magazines in the park during my break. And the deeper I got into the material, the more it became clear to me that this is the truth! This is fantastic! I want to give someone else this opportunity to read these magazines, so I left them on the edge of the park bench."

The brother passes the microphone [to the brother next to him], "I was someone who did not have a home or a place to stay anymore. I happened to sit on the bench and saw the magazine, and said, 'I was already once a Jehovah's Witness, but I had left the truth because I thought of living my life, I wanted to explore and see what was out there, but things went from bad to worse, to the point of losing everything. After that point, it was not clear to me that Jehovah was waiting for me to return, but on seeing the magazines, it helped me to understand that. And by reading them, it helped me to take the step to return to Jehovah."

And he [the first brother] asked the first sister if she had anything else to say, "Yes! You see, this young man who found the magazines on the park bench, he is my son."

... the ringing in my ears

Since I was born deaf, I can only hear really loud noises. I can take my hearing aid off at a concert and hear just fine. Recently, the hearing aid broke, so I don't hear much of anything, except the dog barking.

Don't imagine that everything is peaceful and quiet. I really have the most horrendous case of tinnitus or commonly known as ringing in the ears.

I had endured this all of my life, and I don't think there's a cure for it. I hadn't looked, anyway.

At first, it would sound like a bomb dropping. It starts at a high whistle, then lowers through the octaves and then stops. No explosions. Other times it's just a comstant sound, like someone holding a key on an organ and just holding it there indefinitely.

Lately, it is more of a hissing buzz. It moves on to static, as if I have the dial set between radio stations. To ward it off, sometimes I play music in my head, but even that is getting on my nerves.

Two years ago, my hearing aid was getting warranty work done, so I did not hear for a week. During this week was a special medley of David Gilmour (of Pink Floyd fame) playing guitar solos. Shine On You Crazy Diamong, Another Brick In the Wall Pt. 2, and other various tunes. I try to switch it up by playing classical music in my noggin, Mozart mostly. But, it doesn't drown out th emonotonous buzzing or motorcyles, static, bombs.

Sometimes the tinnitus provides a counterpoint to the music I'm thinking of, and if there was a way to attach electrodes to my head to hear the music, I'd be famous like Beck or Kraftwerk, who are known for their interesting musical accompaniments. I love them both.

But, I endure. Just ahead will be a time when I won't need a hearing aid, and instead, I'll be putting a pillow over my head to block real sounds of crickets and other nocturnal life.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

... the Bible reading for week of May 25 - 31, 2020 (Gen. 42-43)

Genesis 42-43

Gen. 42:21
...We are surely bering punished on account of our brother, because we saw his distress when he begged us to show compassion...
If you have a right to be angry, or think you have a right to be angy, it is beneficial to show mercy. Refusal to extend mercy, will cause mercy to not be extended to you. And who can you blame? Yourself.

Gen. 42:25
......and to return each man's money to his own sack...
 Gifts are better when they are given in secret. It is wise to not broadcast that you hve done so. Your Father, who is looking on, will repay.

Gen. 43:10
...if we had not delayed, we could have been there and back twice by now...

Journeys back in that time took months, so a bit of time elapsed. Also, procrastination is not new. Jacob considered Simeon as good as lost, but with Judah's reassurance, he allowed Benjamin his youngest to go, to the bless ing of his family.

These two chapters are good in that it shows Joseph's btoehrs had shown a repentant attitude and were truly sorry for what they had done. Joseph tested them in this way to see how they felt. He did not harbor any grudges againt them, but he declared that Jehovah had allowed all this to happen for the preservation of Israel and the line leading to Jesus Christ. Joseph displayed abundant mercy, even though he was wronged. It's a wonderful lesson for us today as we deal with our imperfect family members and our fellow worshippers of Jehovah.

Another thing to learn from this week's reading is that punishment comes eventually. It can take years before something we've done wrong in the past to catch up to us, and when it does, it can be humiliating. But, it will come, do not doubt it. That's why we're encouraged to "lay it out on the table" as it were, to get the forgiveness and correction we need now, before it is to late.

... the text for May 27, 2020

You have found favor with God. - Luke 1:30
Why did Mary find favor with God? He had been observing her and her faithfulness in regards to His worship. She was a humble woman who feared Jehovah.

Therfore, she was chosen to give birth to Jesus.

A question: How would Mary feel to be so venerated by many today? The Immaculate Virgin, the Mother of God are titles given to her. But, you read the Bible account about her life, do you see her praising herself, or praising Jehovah?

Luke 1:46-53 highlights some of her expressions:
  • soul magnifies Jehovah...
  • ...holy is his [Jehovah's] name...
  • ...his mercy is upon those who fear him...
In vs 50, she said:
... he has scattered those who are haughty in the intention of their hearts

Does this sound like a person who should be revered? No. Did she brag about having God's Son? No, she acknowledge that Jehovah was the one who provided this in Luke 1: 49, "... because the powerful One has done great things for me, and holy is his name." She would be truly offended if she saw what the world thinks of her.

Notice, too, when Jesus was born,  lowly shepherds were notified of his birth, not the prominent or wealthy ones.

The key point is this: Humility finds favor with Jehovah God. You may be a spiritual person, doing the things you should be doing, but if you have any superior or proud attitudes, even feeling contempt for others, even feeling entitled to things, that will not work with Jehovah. Those who are truly humble in heart and deeds will be noticed by God.

Time is running out. We are so close to the end, so please, endeavor to root out incorrect feelings and thinking, and replace them with true humility. It takes effort, but it can be done.

Be safe!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

... the text for May 26, 2020

The naive person believes every word, but the shrewd one ponders each step. - Prov. 14:15
 The comments bring out an accurat point:
We are bombarded with information.
Propaganda is meant to distort and blur correct information. It was used successfully in wartime as a way to disorient the enemy. If the enemy heard reports of its own government failing to do its job, it can destroy morale and people would not fight.

Satan uses sucn propaganda against us. Same-sex marriages are okay; Jehovah doesn't love you; we are such sinners, we cannot be forgiven; there is life after death, and a host of other untruths.

In this current pandemic, we receive information about those saying how deadly the coronavirus is, to those who say it's not dangerous. What to believe? That's why we need to develop the ability to evaluate information, and the best way is to compare it with the principles the Bible lays out.

The Governing Body is indeed providing the voice of wisdom, giving talks on trusting Jehovah and the channel he uses to give us the information. We can always trust such sources. Being shrewd will help us against Satan's attacks, as these attacks will escalate.

... the text for May 25, 2020

Do not severely criticize an older man. On the contrary, appeal to him as a father. - 1 Tim. 5:1
We all need counsel, not matter our age. So, if an older one needs counsel, we should give it in respectful love. This in turn, shows respect for Jehovah and his righteous standards.

We all sin. Willful sin is a different matter, entirely. If we truly did not want to sin, and we made a mistake, then proper feelings should play a factor.

somtimes, "I feel bad," is not enough. Do we feel bad enough to change? If we don't, could thiat be classified as willful sin? Proper meditation on this matter is important, because it is Jehovah's determination of willful sin or not, as he reads the heart. We need to be careful. Regardless of our age, Jehovah will still judge us justly.

... the Bible reading for week of May 18 - 24 : Gen. 40-41

Genesis 40-41

More about Joseph.

Gen. 40:8 says in part:
...Do not interpretations belong to God? Relate them to me, please.
Joseph recognized Jehovah as the One giving dreams and the One interpreting them. It wasn't Joseph's own power and knowledge, but all glory belongs to Jehovah God. Also, he was confident that Jehovah could give him the interpretation of the dreams.

Gem/ 40:15:
I was, in fact, kidnapped....
why didn't he complain about being sold in slavery? For a couple of reasons. One, he did not want to shame his family, and two, he did not harbor any ill resentment toward his brothers. Why? Likely because he realized the Jehovah had given him the dream he had told his brothers before. He saw the hand of God working toward some purpose.

Gen. 41:14:
...He [Joseph] shaved and changed his clothes and went in to Pharaoh.
This demonstrated a proper respect for authority. Even today, those who come before judges or governments dress appripriately for the occasion.

Gen 41:16 -
..."I need not be considered! God will speak concerning Pharaoh's welfare."
The event sin this chapter occurred two years after chapter 41. Even after that time, Joseph maintained a humble attitude. Even though the chief cupbearer kept forgetting him, he did not dwell on this but maintained his ralationship with Jehovah.

Sometimes, it takes time for justice to be done. If you find yourself in an unfar position or condition, complaining about it does not help matters. True, we should throw out burdens on Jehovah, and give entreties. But, we know we can be patient, because at the right time, Jehovah will act on our behalf. (Ps. 55:22, Phil. 4:6-7, Ps. 37:5)

Gen 41:33
...let Phaeaoh look for a man who is discreet and wise...
Joseph did not demand to put in the position of oversight, however, Jehovah's spirit moved him to make the suggestion, which found favor with Pharoah, who praised Joseph and hired him, as it were, on the spot. The lesson is if we trust and rely on Jehovah, he will give us what we need to fulfill our duties. We do not need to "toot our own horn".

gen. 41:51
...God had made me forget all my trouble and all the house of my father.

Joseph continued to focus on Jehovah and serving him, and did not focus on himself, or allow himself to think about what happened in the past. This is a good lesson for me, as I have suffered much in the past. But, if I continue to look forward, all of that will be, not completely forgotten, but a mere whisper.

Monday, May 25, 2020

..;. the text for May 24, 2020

We are God's fellow workers. - 1 Cor. 3:9
The thought comes to my mind when I read this is how amazing Jehovah is. The Supreme Being in the universe certainly does not need help with anything. For Him to delegate work to us that promotes his will and purpose is a huge display of his love for us.

Have you heard the term "If it's going to be done right, I better do it"? Jehovah doesn't say that, nor his Son, Jesus. In Matthew 28:19, 20, he commissioned all his disciples to "Go...and make disciples". What a wonderful assignment!

Friends, whether you are pioneers or publishers, we can do what we can to improve our preaching and teaching. The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses tirelessly provide such training and instruction. May we take the time to carefully study these materials, so that we can fulfill what Paul wrote long ago, that we are God's fellow workers.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

... cruelty

"With your past, no one will ever love you." Could you imagine Jehovah or Jesus uttering those words? Thankfully, you couldn't. They would never say that in a million years.

Huymans, on the other hand, have demonstrated an amazing capacity to be cruel to one another, with they way they talked to those they're supposed to love; to think of and create fiendish means of torture; to develop and maintain weapons of mass destruction. We this profound ability to do the worst things.

We create gods to worship that are like us, cruel, vindictive, heartless, angry, demanding, control freaks, and dictators.

How does Jehovah feel about that? In Genesis 6, he said that the earth was ruined because of the way people were. (Gen. 6:11) That's why he brought the flood. He promised he won't use water to kill the wicked (Gen. 9:11), but He has other things at his disposal. The world today is even worse than in Noah's ;time. As a whole, the wicked today have made up for the lack of the Nephilim. Jehovah will definitely clean his once again ruined earth.

Many paint Jehovah as a heartless God, ready to punish and destory. They imagine that He created Hell for us to fear Him and bow to his control. That's exactly how some treat others, they create fear in order to dominate. They try to create a sense of inferiority in others in order to dominate and to treat with disdain and cruelty, as if they're more important.

In ages long ago, there were those who sacrificed their firstborn children by fire. How did Jehovah feel about that? Did he accept such sacrifices? He says in Jer. 7:31: "...something that I had not commanded and that had never even come into my heart" So, how could Jehovah even dream of an eternal place of torment for sinners on earth? Impossible. So, it's obvious man dreamt it up.

We must endure the cruelty and dominance of others. But, the day will come when such diabolical actions and thoughts will be done away with, when Jehovah gives Jesus the signal. I look forward to that day!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

... the text for May 23, 2020

O that in the Grave you would conceal me ... that you would set a time limit for me and remember me. - Job 14:13
The King James says:
O that thou wouldest hide me in the grave, that thou wouldest keep me secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me!
Have you felt that way? I have. Sometimes I would lie there and just wish to drift off to sleep, and wake up when Jehovah wanted to. Many feel that way. We see it. People get so overwhelmed with their problems or situation or how they feel about themselves that they consider suicide as a necessary step.

In the Watchtower lesson this day's text is taken from, it highlights how Jehovah valued his faithful ones of old, Job, Elijah, and Jonah. He values us today. This is what He does:
Instead oif condemning how they felt, he helped them to overcome their desire to die and built them up in love so that they could continue serving him faithfully.
We get the help we need through prayer, daily Bible reading, elders in the congregation, brothers and sisters who have experienced similar situations. All these are there to provide comfort and strength. Take advantage of these provisions. Don't isolate yourself as Proverbs 18:1 warns.

We live in stressful times indeed. But the scriputre above gives hope also of a resurrection in case we do die. Don't assume that someone who committed suicide is lost. Jehovah knew their hearts and he will bring them back to a beautiful paradise earth, where they will not feel overwhelmed by anything except joy.

... the text for May 22, 2020

He led them in security, and they felt no fear. - Ps. 78:53
If something happened in the past, it set a precedence. With Jehovah, he established the ability to lead His people. When the Israelites began their exodus from Egypt, Jehovah, through Moses, had them form in "battle formation", and provided a visible manifestation of his presence with a "cloud by day" and a "light of fire" at night.

Will he do the same today? Yes. As an example, we are in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic that has affected over 200 countries. We live in areas that are locked down, or quarantined, or encouraged to "stay at home" only going out for necessary business as getting food. We've all been able to hold our meetings together in a unified fashion. The Governing Body themselves, with Jehvah's direction, provides guidelines and procedures to continue to protect us. In a wonderful way, Jehovah is leading us, and we are not afraid. He will carry us through. What a wonderful God is He.

... the text for May 21, 2020

O Jehovah, who may be a guest in your tent? ... The one who is ... speaking the truth in his heart. - Ps. 15:1,2
The comments had this to say:
People often resort to lying to protect themselves or to promote themselves. They lie to cover up their mistakes and misdeeds or to gain economic and personal advantages.
 There was an article entitled Why We Lie, by Y. Bhatacharjee, that points out "lying" is "recognized as a deeply ingrained human trait." It also states how many people can "lie with ease, in ways big and small, to strangers, co-workers, friends, and loved ones."

I'm guilty as charged. So, what can I do? As the above stated, I'm not the only one. I don't purposely lie, but the time to utter an untruth is timed in milliseconds. Sometimes we realize we've lied after the fact. The scripture above is important. Would you care to have a bad person visit your home and spread harm? No, you would keep him away. It's the same with God. God's tent is His designated place. It is the congregations established by Jehovah through his Governing Body.

Can you be blocked from having a relationship with God for habitually lying? Yes, you can. Prov. 6:17 lists lying as the second on the list of things that Jehovah hates. Ps. 55:6 says "You [Jehovah] findpleasure in truth in the inner person." A serious matter, no?

Fear of punishment is strong in many. Humans punish each other in amazingly cruel ways, even worse than how Jehovah, in his justice and wisdom, will do it. But, we need to work hard on this trait. So, if someone points out something we've done, the first impulse may be "I didn't do it!" or "Not me!" (an imaginary creature in the comic strip Family Circle, who is usually blamed for everything)

If we've blurted out the lie, immediately address it and apologize. Strive to firmly develop in your heart the desire to speak truth to one another. Pray to God for forgiveness and "produce fruit that befits repentance." (Matt. 3:8)

A good standing with Jehovah, who reads your heart, is much better than how you appear to other people. Work hard to develop the resolve to maintain truthfulness in all your dealintgs from within, and this includes admitting your mistakes, along with being honest with yourself and others.

... the text for May 20, 2020

[Jehovah] well knows how we are formed, remembering that we are dust. - Ps. 103:14
The Almighty Father gives us only what we can handle. He knows when we need help and provides it.

The comments for this day tell the story of young Samuel who Jehovah used to give a message to Eli, the high priest. Jehovah gave consideration to Samuel's fear, and did it in such a way that Eli realized God was the one calling Sameul, and knew there was something important.

Does that work for me as well? Jehovah knows I can only do so much. I can't just hop in a car and drive somewhere. I'm not the greatest door-to-door preacher, but I still support the group and I do my best to encourage my fellow brothers and sisters.

Samuel's fear was understandable. I myself have had experiences when I was a boy that to this day my parents know nothing about. My stepfather remodeled our bedroom after he married my mom. I was 10 then. The beds were hung on the wall, so that there was space underneath it, with a beanbag chair and track lighting so that I could spend time reading my books. (I read voraciously) The wall paper was of space ship and stars and planets, with a dark blue background.

One night, I lay awake, unable to sleep. I looked to my right at a starfighter zooming across the expanse of space, its engines sputing orange flames. All of a sudden, it moved! It jolted to another spot on the wallpaper! I was terrified. I clamped my eyes shut. I pulled the covers over my head, and I slept the rest of the night. In the morning, I told no one.

For a while, I dreaded sleeping in that bed. I would lie down, and when the light was turned off, I covered my head and slept. Some nights I would stare at the little space ship and dared it to move.

My bed was raised to the level of the window, which was set high on the wall. It enabled me to look out as i lay there and see the driveway of the home next door. The driveway allowed the tenant that lived behind us (we lived in the front house of a duplex) to park their car by their front door. So, I could see any activity that occurred. At six o'clock in the morning, my cousin would start up her VW bug to warm it up while she got dressed. So, the car's slurred clucking would wake me up, and I listened as it faltered its way to a healthy purr.

So, later on, one night I was looking out the window. To the right, I could just make out the street. If a car came or went, I caught a glimpse of it. So, when I was looking, a car came toward us, its headlights bright. It flickered across my window. A second car was behind the first, and I turned to look and the spaceship moved! The mystery was solved. The beams of the headlights of cars that passed were causing optical shifts, making it appear things moved on the wallpaper.

I was so relieved, and I slept peacefully after that.\

I know that story took a tangent, but the thoughts on the text triggered the memory of a young child's fear. But, Jehovah shows consideration for adults too. When we get scared, we imagine the worst that can happen, and it increases the stress potential. So, Jehovah uses wisdom to discern what we are feeling and will do what's needed to get the message across, however it may come. The message is important and it is really a matter of life or death. Jehovah provides it in a way that allows honest hearted people to listen.

Friday, May 22, 2020

... a deaf conversation

She sat across the table from me, telling me a story. As her hands moved to and fro, a graceful ballet of hands, I sipped my coffee and tried not to break my gaze, lest I miss a word.

Her fingers were slim, her nails trimmed to her fingertips. She eschewed the long nails that were fashionable for some women. Her hands were used to working, they were not soft and pink. She was a hard working woman, I knew that. Her nails were painted black today, and they struck a contract to her white skin.

Her face was round, with long eyebrows arching over her hazel eyes, framed by long, brunette curly hair that needed some gel.. A smile that looked like a smirk played over her face, as she related the tale of a late-night party that seemed to get out of hand. The police were called, even! Imagine a bunch of deaf people saying, "The music was too loud? I didn't notice."

Her brows knitted together, forming three vertical creases in her forehead, as she paused to remember some other fact of the story.

We were sitting in a booth at a restaurant we frequented, enjoying coffee and talking about our day. Some looked at us, as we brandished our hands, lancing through the air, communicating in sign language, not speaking a word.

The waitress was aware of us deafies, so she enunciated each word. We pointed at the pictures on the menu of what we wanted. I typed someting on my phone and showed it to her, a specification of how I wanted the eggs cooked.

Later, after breakfast, a couple came up and excitedly showed us that they were trying to follow our conversation, by looking up the signs on YouTube, where they had a deaf dictionary. We smiled and nodded encouragingly as they gushed over our "beautiful" language. We could read lips like experts, having been born deaf and living among the hearing.

I said, "Thank you!" though it came out like "Dang zoo". I couldn't hear the words I spoke, only felt the vibration in my throat. That was how my mother, who was hearing, taught me different words, by  placing my hand on her throat and saying them. So the vibrations went with the lips moving. I didn't really lean to use my tongue to enunciate a word, only mimiced the sould it made.

She said, "Zoo kin lerd sigh languash too!" Yes, it's not that hard. Practice makes perfect.

Please don't make fun of us for how we sound, we sound perfectly normal, and we are perfectly normal. We just can't hear, that's all. It's just another cultural difference to accept.

... the effect I have on people

Being easy-going and flexible is a good thing, but for some reason it causes some to take it for granted and they treat me with contempt or in any way they chose with no fear of reprisal or retaliation from me. Maybe doing this give them a sense of pride,to elevate themselves like that, but from Jehovah's viewpoint, doing that is wrong, so I leave it to Him to deal with it and the Bible guarantees it. (Eccl. 8:9, Ps. 37:5)

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

... mornings

Many people enjoy the sunset. So do I. The beautiful colors that the sun gives us before it drops below the horizon is truly breathtaking, and a testament to Jehovah's wisdom. Many may not realize that Jehovah created it for us to enjoy. He didn't have to. So, there's the sunset camp...

For me, it's the opposite. I really enjoy sunrise. It may not be as vivid as a sunset, but it's just as beautiful. As it's my custom to awake before dawn, I enjoy a cup of coffee and reflect on the coming day. As the window brightens with pre-dawn light, I stand there, looking out.

The window is open, the breeze is cool. What makes up for the visual beauty of the sunset, is the smell. The scent of dew, the flowers and the trees giving off their strongest fragrance of the day.

I breate it in, smelling the earth awakening from a night's slumber. Everything is quiet, stll asleep. Sometimes I hear birds with their morning song.

For a while, we had birds nesting in the parking area under our building. Their cries were loud, frog's cries, a croaking jibber jabber between them. After a long time, they were gone. Maybe migrated, maybe shooed away by the maintenance people.

From the rear window of our tiny, tiny apartment stand two huge trees. One is probably 100 feet tall, the other stands guard in the empty field behind our complex. How it stays green in the dead grass is amazing.

As I breate this air in, other smells join in. Someone is cooking bacon. Another is drying clothes, the vent being under our window. That smell can be strong, if they use a scented dryer sheet. yet another is smoking. In this state, marijuana is legal, so that scent wafts through the air, sometimes faint, sometimes strong. Another smell attacks from the left: it smells like burnt rubber. Maybe it's a skunk, squirting something it didn't like. The morning smells are obscured now, and won't reappear until tomorrow, so I'm glad I got to enjoy it before it drifts away.

As I stand at the window, the dog jumps up and down, because she wants to take a look at what I'm seeing. So, I pick her up. She's in my arms, nose twitching, her ears swiveling like satellite dishes. Her eyes flit here and there and then she chuffs at something I can't see or hear; a far off dog barks and she responds with ayip and a growl of her own. As the last smell of dew fades, I thank Jehovah for a new day.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

... Eccl. 9:5

For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing... - Eccl. 9:5 [King James Version]
That seems pretty clear. My father lost his 3-year old brother in a drowning accident. His mother was not one of Jehovah's Witnesses yet. Her pastor told her that "God took your son to be an angel in heaven, and he [the son] is looking down on you with love."

Have you heard such things yourself from your pracher or priest? That clearly conflicts with the Bible's simple statement above! Isn't it much more comforting to know that your loved ones, in death, are not suffering elsewhere or playing a harp on a cloud. They are no longer in pain. Even those who have taken their own life are no longer suffering from their mental or physical disabilities. Robin Williams or Anthony Bourdain or Amy Winehouse and other famous people that have died through suicide or overdose are not flitting about with wings, looking for people to help or harm

But, people cling to that belief so tenaciously. It's just expedient to believe that we continue on after death, in whatever realm or in a sixth sense. How does God feel about the very first lie, "You will not die" still enslaving people to misconceptions about death.

My wife and I used to go to this Thai restaurant. When we got out of the car, we would pass by a small little table, set in the handicapped zone. On it was food and drink, just sitting there. It was an offering to a dead loved one, that the cook or restarant owner wanted to placate and please lest they be malevolent and wreak havoc on them.

The world is truly "lying in the power of the wicked one." (1 John 5:19), the true ruler of this world. But, soon, "...the ruler of this world will be cast out." (John 12:31) That is something to look forward to. Meanwhile, "...the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not..." (2 Cor. 2:4) [King James Verion]

8.6 million Jehovah's Witnesses are busy world-wide shining the light of truth to all who sincerely want to serve Jehovah. The scripture above has brought comfort to so many grieving ones. shares many truths from God's Word that helps all of us.

Stay safe!

... the text for May 19, 2020

I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me. - Micah 7:7
Hands down, this is one of my favorite scriptures. When someone thoughtlessly hurts me or shows me contempt or other poor attitudes, I recite this scripture to myself. It helps me be patient and enduring.

I know that Jehovah is aware of everything.  When people tell me something that seems to be a lie, I say, "As long as Jehovah knows the truth, I don't worry about anything," and I let it go at that. I don't argue. I say, "oookayyy" and move on.

The first part of this verse says, "I will keep on the lookout for Jehovah". I can expect Jehovah to fulfill his word. The other scriputre I like is Ps. 37:5, which says, in part, "Rely on him [Jehovah], and he will act in your behalf." These two scriptures really help me.

Why? Well, being deaf is bad enough. Going blind along with it is worse. Could people take advantage of this? Sure, they can. They could say something mean or cruel to me, and upon my reaction, tell me I didn't hear what they said. Jehovah heard it, though. And He will act in my behalf.

I have seen Jehovah act on my behalf many times during my life. When I was a teenager, I had a brother I truly trusted, tell me, while preaching from door-to-door, that he was going to "find something on me, and get rid of me", meaning that he intended to look for a wy to expel me from the congregation. Years later, I run into his wife and grown-up daughter at a convention. He was no longer serving Jehovah. People have told me things that conflicted with official Bethel and Governing Body information, and they too, no longer serve Jehovah.

I really don't worry about a thing, but try, as my imperfect body and mind allows me, to serve Jehovah as much as I'm able.

I encourage you also to keep on the lookout for Jehvah and wait patiently for his acting in your behalf. You may need to endure your situation until the new system, but the wait is totally worth it!

Stay safe!

... the text for May 18, 2020

Bad associations spoil useful habits. - 1 Cor. 15:33
Why are we told to wear gloves and masks during the COVID-19 pandemic? Why did Souplantation (a buffet-style restaurant that specialized in salads and soups) close up?

What happens when you touch a dirty surface? It gets on you. It's on your fingers.  You touch your mouth, or your eyes, and the disease rages on.

Bad associations have the same effect. Have you noticed that if you hang out with a person, who curses every other word, to find yourself cursing more often? Bad association.

What about t.v., movies, books? Yes. I remember being young and I really enjoyed the show, Dukes of Hazzard. My brother and I found it funny, so we would talk about it the next day. But, my parents, after a while, restricted us from watching the show. Why? My bother and I were emulating the show's slapstick. We even quoted the show's favorite euphemism, "dipstick". I had this crush on Catherine Bach and her "daisy duke" shorts.My folks realized that the show was having a bad influence on us, so they cut off the association.

But, that's not association, you say. Well, think about it. You're sitting there on the sofa, taking in a program. You're allowing those people to come figuratively into your living room and perform before you. You then start to bond with those people, you imagine them as your friends or you hear their problems and see how they solve it, and agree with it. If it's the wrong kind of show, it affects how you act and think.

The useful habits of regular Bible reading, spiritual reflection and wholesome communication with your family go out the window. Who talks to each other during a show? You don't want to miss anything, so the "Shhh!" comes out, whether at home or the theater.

Can the attitudes of characters influence you? Yes, if you're not careful. Can fiction and reality be blurred? Yes, if you're not careful. So, we have to be careful with what we see, hear and read.

I, myself, have cut back entirely on social media. I don't do Facebook, Twitter, Instagram any more. Why? Sometimes images are posted that will get me thinking about the wrong thing. Recently, I had to stopp looking at Yahoo News, because they kept ;showing headlined about some 50+ old actress that happily displays her bikini body. I don't want to think about that, so I shut it off. I use my phone to read my email as it goes directly to the Inbox.

The world is full of bad associations, so it's a challenge to find the right ones. But, they are out there, and it's worth the effort to find them, get to know them, and keep in touch with them. They will help you stay on the right path, and you can be a good influence to them too.

Recently, I started playing online golf. I can see a little bit, so I enjoy that game. It helps me to think in mathematical terms and play. I have joined other people to play a round or two, but I ignore the chat. One man I played with was terrible, making crass jokes and using language when he had a bad shot, so I just focused on playing the game, keeping in mind his avatar name, so that I could avoid him in the future.

I have one friend on there. He's a fellow Jehovah's Witness. Do I need one hundred plus friends? Nope, I'm actually in favor of playing alone. But, good association is always good association, when it helps you mainntain the useful habits.

Stay safe!

... the text for May 17, 2020

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts. - Isa. 55:9
Remember that old t.v. show, Father Knows Best? Well, Jehovah is the ultimate Father, the all mighty supremem Being over every molecule in space and on earth.

There are so many self-help books available. While they do have good points about improving our life, they tend to conflict God's Word. For example, one book would say "happiness is walking with God", then it ignored the creation account, explaining evolution. The author even claimed the Bible contained stories. This is worldly wisdom for you.

Does any of the self-help books solve war? Crime? Racism? No, they serious fail in those important areas. Jesus said, "Wisdom is proved righteous by its works." (Matt. 11:19) So, which wisdom is desirable: the Bible's truth, or imperfect men and women who shrug apologetically when they can't answer a question about why racism exists?

Indeed, our Father knows best. And He tells us throughout the Scriptures. Some focus on the Gospels, but that's only part of the story.  As you read Exodus, think about God's patience. The nation of Israel tested it time and time again. How about Judges? The people obeyed Jehovah, everything was great; he bless them. They peopel turned to other gods, Jehovah withheld his protection and they were overrun by their enemies. Over and over again, he forgave them, blessed them and everything. Then they would stupidly do it again. Finally, Jehovah's patience ran out.

Do you think it's the same today? Jehovah is patient, waiting for those to understand that He really does know best. But, his patience is running out amd the events in Revelation will occur.

It's important to read the whole Bible! All of it, even the seeminly boring chronology of who begat who. All of that is important.

Here's my favorite example of Jehovah's wisdom: When Adam and Eve sinned, Gen. 3:7 sys: "...they realized that they were naked. So they sewed fig leaves together and made loin coverings for themselves." Jehovah discovers what they've done, so He pronounces his judgement upon them, and cast them out of the garden of Eden. What did Jehovah do after He punished them? Gen. 3:21: "And Jehovah God made long garments from skins for Adam and for his wife, to clothe them."

What?!!!! They ruined it for everyone! They condemned us all to sin and death from that one act of rebellion. They alread y had fig leaves covering them up. This is a beautiful example of Jehovah's mercy.  Jehover certainly had every right to be angry!

It just boggles my mind how humans can create gods for themselves who are cruel, demanding, requiring deaths of children as sacrifices, and many other atrocities. Some even paint God himself as unloving by believing in a hell fire, a place of eternal torment. If that really existed, that would conflict mightily with the mercy that Jehovah showed to our first parents.

Read. the. whole. Bible. Learn from the Almighty Father who really does know best.

(As a side note: in Gen. 3:20, Adam named Eve. So, she didn't have a name from the time of her creation until the Fall. What did he call her before that? Jehovah may tell us later.) 

... the text for May 16, 2020

The wicked will be no more. - Ps. 37:10
This is such a thrilling prospect. We see so much pain and suffering brought about by wicked people.

Consider too Ps. 37:11:
The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it.
This is a promise from Jehovah. Why would you want to go to heaven? I don't. I want to breathe the air, drink the pure water, eat fruit that hasn't been enhanced with chemicals.

Those two verses above were fulfilled in a small way with the Israelites. The people in 607 BCE had turned away from Jehovah and pure worship. So, He allowed Babylon to administer punishment and so they did, killing many, deestroying the city and its grand temple of Jehovah and exiled many. So, the "wicked were no more".

Jehovah inspired prophecies of a 70 span of time until the Israelites would return to Jerusalem. (Dan. 9:24-27). That gave those Israelites who were righteous servants of Jehovah hope. And that came true in  537 BCE when Babylon was overthrown.

Today, we are nearly nose-deep to the fulfillment of both of the scriptures in today's text. It's hard to imagine there being NO wicked people around, we see so much of it today. I will be awed beyond measure! And to hear and see again (Isa. 35:5) keep me enduring the current period of deafness and deteriorating vision.

Please work hard to maintain a righteous standing before our grand Father, Jehovah.

Stay safe!

Saturday, May 16, 2020

... the text for May 15, 2020

Many are the plans in a man's heart, but the counsel of Jehovah is what will prevail.  - Prov. 19:21
Some years ago, during the mid-week meeting, a brother was conducting the part about "reaching out for greater privileges" which was to encourage ones to do just that. One of the olders boldly raised his hand, and proclaimed to the congregation that he "will be a circuit overseer". Not, "I'm desiring to", or, "It is my goal to..". He stated it as a matter of fact, as if it was a done deal.

That was 13 years ago, and to my knowledge, that brother is still serving as an elder in that congregation.

While that was a bold example, it illustrates this point: We can have plans or goals. We can say we will do this or that with a fair amount of certainty, but imperfection and "unexpected events" happen. (Eccl. 9:11)

Not with Jehovah. His promises are as good as done. Even if circumstances appear to derail His purpose, it will still come true.

We learned that this week in the Bible reading (Gen. 38-39). It was Jehovah's will that Jesus would come from the line of Judah. Two of Judah's sons were bad and punished by Jehovah. They did not produce offspring. Judah was afraid the the youngest son would have some calamity, so he did not marry him with Tamar, the wife of his oldest son. Did that ruin God's goal? No, he allowed a situation that caused Judah to have relations unknowingly with his daughter-in-law and provided the seed, Perez, who was a forefather of Jesus.

Today, COVID-19 had no effect on Jehovah's organization. We were able to meet together (via Zoom) to commemorate the Memorial. Though we could not publicly invite people to the Memorial, many were able to attend. We also are able to have our meetings via Zoom despirte the "stay oat home" order of many areas. How? Through Jehovah's holy spirir and the direction he gives to the Governing Body.

We can always trust our God, Jehovah, who gives his Word that there will be a paradise and a resurrection of those who have died from COVID-19. We look forward to that day and rely on Jehovah for everything.

Stay safe!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

... the text for May 14, 2020

Do not be afraid for I am with you.- Isa. 41:10
Did anyone really have my back or has anyone stood up for me? Have people showed me the slightest care and concern or gave me help I really needed? I really don't remember. Sure, I got a lot of physical support, which I truly appreciate, but that seemed to be it. I've had some tell me that they were "obligated" to love me, meaning that if they had the choice, they would opt out of that. To tell me that you do everything for me but you don't have to do anything for me just makes me question why you do it in the first place. Is it a debt you hope to collect on later? Then it wasn't based on love, love doesn't keep track of it like an account. (1 Cor. 13:4-8)

I see myself as a stepping stone that others use to get where they wanted to go. I'm a means to an end, to just support others and what I get in return is only what they want to give, when they feel like giving it, if at all. And when I say, "Don't treat me like that!" They don't know what I'm talking about, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

So, it comforts me that Jehovah Himself doesn't act that way. Neither does Jesus. I really have no fear because I have TWO perfect and true witnesses that are aware of how other people treat me, especially when no one is around to observe it.

It keeps me going. I don't have to worry about anything because Jehovah never fails in his promises. When I read something in the Bible, it's as good as done, even those regarding a future we haven't seen yet. (Read Revelation)

You know, Abraham, Joseph, Abel, Enoch, Noah, and many others who worshiped Jehovah, did NOT have a Bible or anything written down. Moses was the one who compiled all that information into the first 5 books of the Bible.

But, their faith was legendary. Why? They knew Jehovah was with them and he blessed them when they obeyed him. As an example, Noah was commissioned by Jehovah to build an ark (Gen. 6). This box-like structure was approximately 437 feet long x 72 feet wide and 43 feet tall. The length equates to about .08 of a mile. That is slightly bigger than a football field. Now, people in that time saw this long box being built, and likely asked Noah about it. He told them it would rain. They looked up, knowing  it hadn't rained in years and ignore him, to their everlsting demise.

But, Noah knew Jehovah was with him and he plugged along with the rest of his family, over 50 years of labor, people's thinking and attitudes. He continued to think about what he learned from his forefathers about Eden and God's dealings with mankind. He observed the creation and saw God's wisdom and love. He and his family survived.

We have the Bible now, and it contains many, many excellent examples to follow and bad examples and attitudes to avoid. We need to trust the Bible, as it's Jehovah telling us the above. Without it, it would be difficult in this day and age. Things are worse and will get worse. Can you imagine an epidemic worse than COVID-19? It's possible. So, we need to keep in mind that Jehovah is with us, as long as we're with him. Maintain a good pattern of Bible reading and use the publications and videos from to help explain things you don't understand. The blessings will be many.

So, for me, if I feel that there is no human on earth that can stand up for me or have my back, it's all right. Jehovah is always there.

... the text for May 13, 2020

Stop being molded by this system of things. - Rom. 12:2
I had been reading this book, 12 Rules for Life
written by Jordan Peterson, a psychologist. It is an interesting book and had good points to consider. Someone suggested I read it as it included the Bible and it would help. As I was listening to the book, Mr. Peterson made statements that indicated that it was good to "walk with God", but he claimed that the Bible was "absurd" and he routinely questioned why God did things a certain way.
When I read anything, even the Smithsonian magaizine (which I really enjoy) or anything, I keep in my mind what's true and what's not. So, when the contributor brings up evolution, I immediately ignore what he says about it and focus on the points that were made in the article.

The same was true of this book. I had almost wanted to take his book, and write blog posts that corrected the erroneous thinking that he portrays, which is indeed worldly viewpoints.

The world is full of philosophies and guesswork about why things happen the way they do. Satan has influenced it so much that we accept it and go with the flow, because it's expedient. We need to reject that and to do that, we need to constantly compare what we hear and read with what we know from being taught about Jehovah and his Son.

Maybe if Mr. Peterson read the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, he would realize the Bible was not absurd. If he used the King James Version, I could understand why he would think that way, as that version is very hard to understand and has many errors. My post would end up being a novel if I chose to go into that, but you can actually compare Bibles online, at They recently added The Bible in Living English.

Why is it good to compare? Just like three witnesses at a scene of an accident. Between all three versions, you get a clearer understanding of what happened.

Please be careful not to get caught up in what everyone else thinks or does. It isn't easy to stand against the tide, but if we keep our feet firmly planted (with the right kind of knowledge), we won't be swept away by the "philosophy and empty deception according to human tradition". (Col. 2:8)

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

... the Bible reading for the week of May 11 - 17, 2020 - Gen. 38-39

This week's Bible reading is interesting and is good meditation.

Gen. 38:7 - "But Er, Judah's firstborn was displeasing to Jehovah; so Jehovah put him to death." 

So Judah gave Er's wife to his other son, Oman.
Gen. 38:9, 10 - "But Oman knew that the offspring would not be considered his ... he wasted his semen on the ground... What he did was bad in the eyes of Jehovah, so he also put him to death." (a compelling reason to abstain from masturbation!)
When the wife of Potiphar encouraged Joseph to sleep with her:
Gen. 39;8, 9 - "But he refused, and said, 'Here my master does not know what is with me in the house, and he has entrusted  everything he has into my care ... except you. So how could I commit this great badness and actually sin against God?'"
What do we learn from these three cases? That Jehovah has the ultimate authority to judge, punish and, to forgive. Jehovah gives others the relative authority to judge, punish and forgive. True, he did not want to sin against his master by taking his master's wife, he was more concerned with sinning against Jehovah. Why? Because Jehovah had the true authority to judge and punish for wrongdoing.

The secular authorities have been given a relative authority to judge and punish for crimes and violations of their laws. Jehovah allows that. (Rom. 13:1) In verse 2, Paul stated that opposing  the secular authorities is opposing God's arrangment, against God, Himself. Serious.

If we sin against another human, yes, we should be quick to ask that person for forgiveness. When someone sins against us, we should be ready to forgive. Do you feel you have the authority to judge and punish and forgive others? Be very careful. Because of imperfection, we are not just inour judging or punishing. We are also not ones to forgive completely. Only Jehovah can do all three things perfectly, justly and mercifully. When Jehovah forgives, he drops it completely behind him.

We don't want to displease or sin against others, but more importantly, we need to fear and respect Jehovah, the one we all sin again, everyday.

 If someone sinned against me, and they went to the elders and confessed, received the counsel and was forgiven by Jehovah, how should I react when I hear about it. Would I add punishment on top of Jehovah's discipline? Would I say that had they come to me first, I would forgive, but because they went to Jehovah first, I wasn't going to be as forgiving and they would have to work harder to obtain it, as if I alone was responsible for that? That would be cruelty on my part. Instead, I would be happy and relieved that that person did the right and proper thing.

Other lessons from this week's reading: When you make a promise, see it through. When you're in the wrong, freely admit it. Allow Jehovah to govern your actions, not other people. Be diligent and hard-working. Investigate what happened before you do anything rash. Potiphar's wife did lie. I'm sure other servants were aware that something was going on as she pestered Joseph every day. Man servants today are very discreet on that point, and keep a tight lip on what goes on in the master's house. But, the master didn't ask, and they didn't tell. But, Jehovah still supported Joseph, a truly innocent person.

Another point I learned was that Jehovah had promised that Jesus would come through Judah's line. So, since Er and Oman were put to death without any offspring, it fell upon Shelah to provide the seed. But, Judah neglected to give Shelah as a husband to Tamar, so that he could provide offspring. So, Tamar took action, or did she? I realized that for Jehovah's will to be successful, He maneuvers events so that it will come true, as his name, Jehovah, represents. So, one of Judah's sons by Tamar was Perez who became forefather to Jesus.

Have a great day, be safe!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

... the text for May 12, 2020

Woe to those who say that ... bad is good.-Isa. 5:20
Our conscience is a powerful thing. We shouldn't knock it or ignore it. One psychologist remarked that when Adam and Eve sinned, their "eyes were opened. They becamse self-conscious. In shame, they hid themselves." God created them naked in the beginning. But, after they sinned, they decided that being naked was shameful, so they "sewed fig leaves together and made loin coverings for themselves".  (Gen. 3:7)

They really didn't become self-aware, being aware of themselves already. God put the conscience in the human body, and properly trained, it works. Even Paul described people as having a conscience within themselves, even without law. (Rom. 2:14)

We properly train our conscience by reading God's Word and meditating on it. When we do something wrong, it's not wise to just brush it off and say, "Oh well. That's just me." We also should not justify our actions as being right, but compare these actions with what Jehovah requires.

So, let us refrain from saying "bad" is "good" and "good" is "bad".

... the text for May 11, 2020

Seek Jehovah, all you meek ones of the earth... Seek meekness. - Zeph. 2:3
The quality of meekness is rarely seen in the world today. TV shows routinely feature independent people as brash, self-thinkers and ones focused on their advancement or advantage. Those attitudes are adored by many. But, the lack of meekness displeases Jehovah.

Num. 12:3 described Moses as the "meekest" man. Jesus Christ, himself literally #2 in the chain of camman, humbled himself to the point of sacrificing his position in heaven and his life for us "non-meek" people. Yet, both of these men proved to be great leaders. Jesus is now ruling as King of Jehovah's Kingdom.

I try to show that I'm meek by not imposing my own desires on others. I am an easy-going person, and will go along with whatever. It doesn't mean, however, that I will always say yes, so you need to ask. Also, when I say no, don't get mad. Meekness is not being a carpet for others to walk on.  It's not defiance on my part to let you know that I'm not a complete push-over.

Should we be applauding those who make their own decisions and do what they like? "You go, girl!" is a common phrase for one who defiantly shows her independence. Moses was and Jesus is, a great leader, but these two relied on Jehovah's instruction, and we should do well to imitate that example. Jer. 10:23 is clear that " does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step."

So, why demand it? Why feel that you're entitled to do what you like? Allowing Jehovah to guide our steps in everything is the best way to be happy, not relying on any other mortal human to do that for you.

Here's a really good lesson: Seek Meekness and Please Jehovah. It has very valuable counsel that will help us to please God among proud, arrogant, self-important people.

... the text for May 10, 2020

Safeguard your heart. - Prov. 4:23
This scripture actually requires serious meditation. I don't do things out of order, so I had to do this day first before moving on.

The comments for this day includes this point:
...his people must guard guard their heart, that is, their thoughts, feelings, and reasonings. ... Jehovah sees beyond a person's outward appearance. He sees what we really are inside. (1 Sam. 16:7)
That covers a lot of territory!  From the smallest things you may believe unimportant to major things. What if you have secret contempt for everyone and everything? Jehovah is aware of it. Maybe you've carefully hidden it away with a carefully crafted public image, and people are clueless. Jehovah knows it, and He expects you to make an effort to get rid of it. Oh, I show contempt because I'm resentful. What does Jehovah say about this? This article will help: Letting Go of Resentment. Oh, but I do a lot of things for my mate or my friends, it makes up for how I truly think about them. Is that the correct view, or the expedient view? Secret, carefully hidden contempt, or any other hidden feelings, such as improper jealousy, hatred, prejudice, still displeases Jehovah.

This scripture above can be applied to more serious things as well. As the text comments illustrate in the case of King David, wicked thoughts can beome wicked actions.

I have had issues with pornography. I have struggled with it for 18 years. There were good periods and bad periods. I consider pornography to be an addiction worse than smoking or alcohol or drugs. In fact, one website on addiction to pornography cites that "9 percent of people who view porn have unsuccessfully tried to stop". They cite a report that was taken in 2002.

I've analyzed why I do it, and it's not easy for me to explain, but it's psychological scarring that occurred in my first marriage.

When I married in 1991, I did love the woman I married. I had believed that marriage is based on mutual support of each other. So, I married her to love her and support her; she married me with a completely other objective. At the end of 10 years of painful, emotionally suffocating, she finally told me why. "I married you because I felt sorry for you. I just wanted you to give me a child. If I had the child, I would have left you anyway." What a way to show a complete lack of concern and love, along with blatantly manipulating a person for their own benefit!

The 10 years weren't all bad. It was good at first. After 4 years of trying to have children, she blamed me for the inability, and instead of showing true love and concern (because she never had it to begin with), she took the contempt and resentment road, constantly barraging me with vicious comments and snide remarks, such as "we might as well not have sex anymore, because you suck." (this from a woman who just laid there with her eyes closed, refusing to interact). Then I got diabetes, which made it worse. Therefore, it's now been 20 years since I've had any sexual intercourse with a woman.

I turned to pornography to show contempt and resentment of my own. I married her to support her, she married me for what I could do for her, and that left me with nothing..

I believe many women marry for the right reason: to love and properly provide support for their mate. To those who marry to get more out of the marriage than what they put in, I say this: Woe to you, and cursed you are.

That probably makes me a woman-hater, and that's partly true. I have suffered a lot, and it will take a long time to feel okay. The new system will correct all this, and I look forward to being completely whole.

So, what do I do in the meantime? I work to safeguard my heart, my thinking and feelings. I have to continue to forget the past, to not remember or reminisce or to miss it. When a thought pops up into my head, I immediately say a prayer to Jehovah, or I turn my thoughts to something useful, like imagining I'm talking to someone about Jehovah and explaining a good point from the Bible.

Bible reading is important, as well as doing a text every day, reviewing talks and videos on I also appreciate the proper support of my current wife and the brothers and sisters in the congregation. I review such articles as: Pornography - Harmless or Toxic?

While it is a serious addiction and is linked to behavioral disorders and other psychological issues, it can be overcome. If you struggle with it, it's important to get help. Our loving Father, Jehovah, is indeed "very tender in affection and merciful" and "the God of all comfort." (James 5:11, 2 Cor. 1:3)

Sunday, May 10, 2020

... a new computer

Sorry for not posting for a couple of days. I was busy setting up a new computer to replace my 9 year old laptop.

The fan on the laptop had gone out, and as I had a (short) career fixing these things, I set out to work on it myself. With a magnifying glass in one hand, plenty of light and a good, magnetic screwdriver, it still took me two hours to unscrew the base of the laptop. There were three screws in the battery bay that were different than the rest. They were soft-metal screws. I tried as many screwdriver bits to find on that fit properly, but couldn't.

So, it took me two hours to screw the thing back togehtter, and I ended up with a cup of screws. It was so draining and I took a long nap. And woke up with the ralization that I could have forced the screws out, by using needle-nosed pliers to bend one side and then a locking pliers to rotate it out. It would have destroyed the screw, but I figured the laptop would hold together and work anyway. Not wanting another two hours of back-breaking labor, I put it aside until this "stay at home" order was done and my friend can come and help me.

Even without the fan, the laptop worked. It would only shut off when I was processing something that worked the processor, like a video or a game, or analyzed a program code I was working on.

But, lately, the hard drive was starting to go. We had the money to get a new PC, so I shopped around and ended up getting a Dell Inspiron with an Intel i5 CPU and 12 GB of RAM. Not the greatest, but desktops are easily upgraded.

The main thing was the operating system. It came with Windows 10. I haven't used Windows since version 7. I'm a Linux boy now. So, with the approval of my wife, I set out to install Linux and get rid of Windows 10.

I first had to burn the OS onto a CD. So, using Windows, i went to Ubuntu and downloaded their latest operating system. It was 2.3 GB in size. Windows took 1 HOUR and 40 minutes to download this!

When I got my Ubuntu installed, I had to download an older version of Ubuntu. It was 2.5 GB. Using Ubuntu, it downloaded in less than two minutes. My wife was convinced. They nicknamed it Windoze, because you have to take a nap for two reasons. One: to let it do its thing; two: you can stop worrying about it and dream of electric sheep. (Sorry, Philip K. Dick)

So, yes, I had to work on configuring the system to run the install the CD, then tweak the system to get it the way I like it, and I really like it, very much.

... the text for May 9, 2020

All of you have ... fellow feeling.-1 Pet. 3:8
 The comments today (from the March 2019 Watchtower,  lesson 14, paragraphs 1-3):
We enjoy being around people who care about our feelings and welfare. They try to put themselves in our place, to discern what we are thinking and feeling.
In the world today, many are "lovers of themselves". (2 Tim. 3:1, 2) Because of this influence, it is difficult to really show "fellow feeling". It's more expedient to dismiss what someone says to you as unimportant and trivial.

When someone says, "I feel this way", how do you respond? Do you blame the person, finding fault that they feel that way? Do you deny having done anything wrong? Do you get upset with that one, expressing outrage at the fact that they're disappointed with you, or appear to be 'ungrateful'?

Those are good questions to ask ourselves. As the article in the Watchtower pointed out, we need to imitate Jehovah our heavenly Father and his son.

Is it worth it? Yes. As my quote show above, people will want to hang around with you, if you show care and concern to others. Just providing physical needs is not enough, and it only goes so far. Because of the influence of the world, we have to train ourselves, but the effort needed is important. So, if you have no friends and never get invited anywhere, you need to examine if you have suffiicient "fellow feeling".

Being deaf and legally blind, this is really challenging for me, but I try. I do this through texts, really listening to their expressions of how they're doing and give commendation and encouragement. Because they do a lot for me, I anticipate that they might need gas, or food and willingly offer to purchase these things for them.

And I really appreciate it when they show it to me. When people become a stone wall when I tell them something important or express my emotions, it makes me hurt inside and I limit how much I tell that one, because I don't want pain. I've had enough of it.

Despite the challenges, continue to put forth the effort to show empathy and developing discernment. You'd be amazed as your popularity grows! Most of all, it makes Jehovah happy, and he blesses abundantly.

Friday, May 8, 2020

... the text for May 8, 2020

You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. - John 8:32
The comments today made this point:
...having unbounded freedom is a two-edged sword.
If we were free to do whatever we want with no restrictions, the world would be much worse than it is right now. Here's an ultimate truth: Nothing is truly free. I'll explain in a moment.

The only Being who has absolute freedom is Jehovah Himself, the Almighty God and Creator of all things. He can do whatever he chooses. In creating humans, he allows a relative freedom to make choices.

In an earlier post, I stated that there are 2,500 varieties of apples in the world. Jehovah provided those apples. We have the freedom to choose which of those 2,500 apples breeds to eat, cook with and grow. That's our relative freedom. If we demanded absolute freedom and ate as many apples as we liked, we would get sick. So, we limit how much we eat, right?

Jehovah designed gravity. We are bound to gravity. Gravity benefits us by keeping us firmly planted on the ground; it governs the tides of the oceans; it helps shape and form us. To demand absolute freedom from gravity comes with a cost. A very high cost. We've seen it before with the Challenger disaster; the fall of Skylab and other accidents in man's attempt to explore space. So, we obey gravity and enjoy the relative freedom it provides us.

But, the truth will set us free. The truth of what?
  • There is no life after death. There are no ghosts or spirits to affect the living. When Adam and Eve rebelled, God simply said, "...until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken." (Gen. 3:19) There was no talk of being taken to heaven or anywhere else. If Adam had not rebelled, there would have been no need for heaven at all!
  • There is no hellfire. Jehovah didn't tell Adam that he was going to punish him forever for what he did. Being in a non-existent state (dead) was enough. Later, the apostle Paul wrote this simple statement: "...
    the wages sin pays is death,,," (Rom. 6:23) Pretty easy to see that we live if we obey, we die if we don't. That's Jehovah giving us relative freedom.
 In Rom. 6:23, Paul added this: "...but the gift God gives is everlasting life". Have you seen an advertisement that promised a free gift if you spend a certain sum or money or bought that particular product? Therefore, nothing is truly free. We pay a price for it, either in a bad way (consequences and punishment) or a good way (contentment and happiness). We don't earn everlasting life. There is nothing we can do, that will create a debt that Jehovah has to pay us. It's impossible! But, receiving the gift of life from God is easy. (John 17:3)

As we follow the counsel in John 17:3, and accept what Jesus taught and become Jesus' disciples, we can line up to receive the free gift of life from the One with absolute freeom to give it.. The two truths I cited above is just part of the learning process. 

Would you like to live forever enjoying relative freedom? has online bible study sessions where you can learn other truths that will set you free.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

... Matt. 7:12

All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must do to them.
Notice that this scripture is proactive, not reactive. People know this scripture as the Golden Rule. But, they apply it incorrectly. The common thought is that, "Well, they hurt me first, so I hurt them back." Or "They were kind to me, therefore I'll be kind to them."

That's not what Jesus said. So, to properly apply this verse, you need to tell yourself: If I want a person to respect me or to be kind to me, I need to first be kind and respectful to them. Likewise, if I want people to treat me with disrespect and contempt, then I can treat them that way, and not get angry when I get that response, as it's  a consequence of what I have done.

Most people correctly apply this scripture and it's wonderful to see. In my life, I have discovered that in some cases when I try to apply this scripture properly, I do not get the expected reaction. If I am kind  and giving to someone, or I act amiable and easy-going, they don't treat me the same. They think they can be manipulative and controlling, benefiting themselves at my expense, to "walk all over me" because it's expedient. They believe they can treat me however they like without reprisals or retaliation.

If I, being imperfect, am sarcastic or sharp with others, then they say to themselves, "Man, he acted like that? Well, I am better at it than him!" And they retaliate by being extra-sarcastic or overly mean, as if to prove just how cruel they can really be. They will continue in this fashion until I say, "Hey! I'm sorry!" I guess doing it that way makes them feel special and self-important.

When it's reversed, I do what I can to reciprocate. If they're kind to me, then I will be the kind, knowing that's how they want to be treated. If, through imperfection, they make a mistake or treat me harshly by accident, then I take that into consideration and work to be forgiving and patient with them. When they do it on purpose, they expect me to be kind  and forgiving and patient with them, yet, get angry with me when I respond accordingly myself. I guess that's self-importance again and it's most expedient to treat me however they like with no reprisals or consequences.

I've had cases where I was friends with someone for a number of years, and they know me enough to understand what kind of person I am. When I make one mistake, they, instead of being kind and forgiving and patient, they drop me like the proverbial hot potato and refuse to deal with me any longer. When that happens, and it's clear that they no longer want to deal with me, I respect their decision and limit my own contact with them. I'm not retaliating, however, I'm just being amiable and flexible. If they do something to hut me, and I drop them like it's hot, then I'm the bad guy, a cruel, vindictive person.

I guess I have trouble understand that "it applies to me and not to you", or "it applies to you and not to me." Is that pride talking?

If I state an actual experience, I'd have to provide details that will make it clean who I'm talking about, so I'll keep silent. Jehovah knows who they are and will deal with it in His own time and manner.

Meanwhile, I am still doing my best to apply this scripture, correctly.

... the text for May 7, 2020

Judas and Silas ... encouraged the brothers with many talks and strengthened them. - Acts 15:32
This scripture points to actions of a governing body that was instituted by Christ via his 11 disciples. It has been this way since. The April 2018 Watchtower Study Edition, lesson #19 paragraphs 18-20 makes this comment:
Today, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses gives encouragement to Bethel family members, to special full-time firld workers, and indeed, to the entire international brotherhood of true Christians.
This is clearly evident today, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Talks are being developed for the 3-day regional conventions, which were cancelled. These talks will be on and will indeed encourage and strengthen us, as we deal with being in isolation, quarantine, loss of income, the death of family members and friends due to COVID-19, social distancing and mask wearing.

I am happy to be a part of this organization. If I had known nothing about Jehovah, I would have died a long time ago, either through self-destructive behavior or suicide. The hope for the future is strong with me, because I think about what I would become: a man with full hearing, full sight and capable of whatever my mind can imagine.

To those reading this, click this link: This webiste is availalbe in your native language, and has online Bible study sessions available, so that you too can learn to live peacefully and become truly happy.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

... the text for May 6, 2020

Hold fast to what you have until I come. And to the one that conquers and observes my deeds down to the end, I will give authority over the nations., - Rev. 2:25, 26
In this scripture, Jesus was talking to the congregation in Thyratira in Asia Minor. Does he have the authority to give others authority? Yes, he does. He is ruling now as King of God's Kingdom, established in heaven in 1914.

The comments highlighted this:
Think of the authority Jesus has as head of all the congregations. He does not have to thank us for the work we do for him.
The fact that he does thank us and expresses appreciation is heartwarming. His example is an excellent one for parents, husbands and elders to imitate. I need to work on this as well, and I try to give commendation whenever possible, so  that in times I need to say something, it will be accepted.

We are encouraged to hold fast to what we've learned from examining Jehovah and Jesus, and to improve ourselves in an effort to do more than we did before.

Let us do our best to do something meaningful to benefit ourself and not do what's expedient (lie, cheat, steal, manipulate others for our gain) . While the things Jesus said to that congregation apply to those of the 144,000 who go to heaven to rule with Jesus "over the nations", we are encouraged to do what we can for Jehovah's Kingdom.

Stay safe!

... the text for May 5, 2020

Whatever a person is sowing, this he will also reap. - Gal. 6:7
I liked the question at the end of the comments:
Are you humble enough to accept sound advice?
Italics are mine. But, it stresses the point. We pay consequences for everything we do, good or bad. God deeds reap blessings, from others (praise, acknowledgment, more responsibility, more trust, life); bad deeds reap anxiety (loss of friends, alienation, lack of trust, unwanted pregnancy, disease, death).

While the comments in today's text were directed at children, it applies as much to adults. Don't fool yourself thinking that nothing will happen to you. It will catch up with you later. So, it's important to be humble enough to accept counsel and advice. The ones giving you advice care about you and want what's best for you. Those are your true fiends; the ones who keep silent while they watch you stumble around making mistakes are not your friends.

Being humble enough also includes feeling bad enough to change. If you make the excuse, "Well, I'm trying" or "I try not to" when you're confronted with something, you need to back it up with an effort in trying or trying not to. others will see your effort, and will cut you some slack and will help you, if you let them.

But, you must feel bad enough to change and be humble enough to know you need help. It will benefit you in the long run, and the prospect of living forever is the long run.