Subject yourselves to God. - James 4:7This verse denotes action on our part. The word subject means:
Verb: to bring (a person or country) under one's control or jurisdiction, typically by using force.The Oxford dictionary from which this definition is taken, shows the definition in a negative way, as in "force a stubborn, haughty, proud or arrogant person under someone else's control."
We willingly subject ourselves to many things. If we obey the speed limit, follow the law, pay our taxes on time, we subject ourselves to the government. When a traffic officer waves us to go or stop, we subject ourselves to the police. When we're in court, we're expected to show honor to the judge in the courtroom by not talking out of turn, and addressing him as "Your honor", we subject ourselves to the court. When we listen to the directions given by mates, parents, elders, the Governing Body, we subject ourselves to these authorities. We do this willingly, because it's for our good. Ultimately, this means we subject ourselves to Jehovah, who is the Almighty and the Supreme One over all things. We're not forced to do it, and Jehovah doesn't force us to do it either. It takes action on our part. We need to also be aware of the danger of only showing submission in some things and arrogance in others. Not to beat anyone over the head, but Jehovah IS aware of such seemingly hidden actions. To subject ourselves is a conscious action. It takes effort on our part, and James follows up this command (that's right), with this promise "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you." (James 4:8).
Let us continue to be humble and be blessed by being sujects of the most awesome government on earth, Jehovah's rigteious Kingdom.
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