I, Jehovah, am ... teaching you to benefit yourself. - Isa. 48:17The comments on this text today focused on parents endeavoring to raise their children to be good people. But the superlative Parent of all is our heavenly Father. The impact of this verse is this: Jehovah ALWAYS does things for the benefit of others. Is there any other Being like Him, that he could turn to and say, "Look! I created earth and man. See?" No.
We exist simply because He decided to create. If He chose not to create anything, we wouldn't exist. Every decision he makes is well within his right, because of his status as the Creator, the Almighty God Jehovah. So, He desn't receive anything of his creation, except the satisfaction that he created it. He is greatly satisfied when we puny humans, the "specks of dust", do our best to please Him. And, so he teaches us, disciplines us (sometimes painfully), so that we can live in a way that makes him happy, and it's to OUR benefit that HE does so.
Now, think about your mother and father. If they had decided not to have children, you would not have been born. Yet, they created YOU. It doesn't matter if it was an accident ("Oos, the condom broke) or it was a planned deal, they still created you. They want you to benefit yourselves, so they try, even as imperfect people, to train you, disciplin you (sometimes painfully), to do well, and to live as reasonable human beings. The Almighty Father laid the responsibilty on the human father to follow His example, so that YOU can benefit. The parents get satisfaction that they did well, just as Jehovah receives satisfation that He did well. So, instead of grumbling about the early curfew, or the mundane and boring tasks they give you, think about how it goes up the shain, through your father to his Father in heaven, and that's a good thing.
Even if your parents don't serve Jehovah, they still have the right and responsibility given to them by God. There is no loophole.
Because Jehovah gave so much of himself, as his son, Jesus also did, it's in our best interests to pay attention to what the Bible says and to follow his Commandments. As we show appreciation for what Jehovah didn't have to do (create, provide a ransom, or give us His Word, the Bible), we need to meditate soberly on this text and examine ourselves to determine our motives, and ask ourselves: Do I seek my own benefit at others' expense? Do I treat myself better than I treat others? Do I have the proper fear of Jehovah, who sees what I do in private? Do we meditate on Psalm 92:5 and do what we can to search and meditate on Jehovah's works and his sayings in an attempt to imitate Him?
If you continue to check yourself in this way, then everything you do will be successful.
Stay safe.
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