No crushed reed will he break,And no smoldering wick will he extinguish.g In faithfulness he will bring justice. - Isa. 42:3
Have you felt crushed, or your spirt nearly spent? I have many times. This scripture really helps me to rely on Jehovah.
There were days when I cried all day. I felt so much pain and loneliness. What I wished for simply did not exist, there was absolutely nothing on this earth I could trust or rely on. I cried for death, I cried for relief. I asked to be taken away, to give me a mercy killing. When I read this verse, I latched onto this scripture, because how I felt was that I was broken and extinguished!
The words "break" and "extinguish" have a finality to it. But, here, Jehovah says it will not happen. Even in our imperfect brains, we may feel the utter feeling of despair or of not knowing the way out of some situation you're in. Yet, God's word is true. It's impossible for him to lie. He won't let things go that far, so that you really break or you will go out like a candle. Jehovah is aware of the situation, and He will resolve it in his perfect and just manner, so that you will wake up and say, "Jehovah really did take care of me," and your faith will be strengthened. He has to fulfill his promise and the Bible proves that he has always kept his word.
I feel bad about the ER doctor in New York who took her own life due to "untenable" circumstances. She was overwhelmed with many things and settled on this course of action. In your own situation, as a worshiper of Jehovah, things will get harder and tougher. But, the scripture above tells you plainly that the worst will never happen. If death occurs because of your stand for what is right, there is a resurrection; if not death, then a wonderful blessing.
Stay safe.
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