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Sunday, June 7, 2020

... the text for June 7, 2020

Let, not my will, but yours take place. - Luke 22:42
The comment made this statement:
He [Jesus]  was fully awre that his enemies would soon humiliate, beat, and execute him.
Yes, Jesus knew exactly what was going to happen to him. Can you imagine that? How would you feel that soon you would die in a car accident, caused by a drunk driver, on a particular night. If you knew before hand, would you change your route to avoid it? MJost people would.

That makes Jesus' sacrifice so special, in that he didn't try to alter the course of things, but humbly submitted to his Father's will. And it brings untold blessings upon all of us.

Today, we have many brothers and sisters in Russia, who are under ban. Many have been sent to prison, or on trial. Some have been beaten and tortured. Yet, knonwing all these things would happen, did they change their course to avoid it? No, and it's a testament to our Father, Jehovah, who provides holy spirit to keep them calm under persecution.

We, who live in countries where religion is practiced freely, should heed these faithful examples. On a future date, things will change. We may come under ban, it may be vicious or it may be restrictive, but, it's a ban. How will we react? We should expect persection. We should not be surprised or dismayed that it happened or is happening. "Oh, no! It's starting already?" Yes, and it will spread all over the earth, as Jehovah's prophecies continue to be fulfilled.

If you read you Bible everyday, continue doing so. It's important to meditate on it, for you may end up with no Bible or Watchtower or videos to watch and songs to listen to. Maintain vigilant and frequent prayer to Jehovah, for that will the lifeline you will need. Keep thinking of the future where all with serve Jehovah happily forever in true peace and security under His heavenly Kingdom.

Stay safe!

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