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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

... the text for June 2, 2020

Let us [encourage] one another and all the more so as you see the day drawing near. - Heb. 10:24, 25
Recently, our congregation started doing morning worship via Zoom, where the elders and others assigned to discuss either the daily text or something encouraging such as good experiences. They do this because of the need to encourage one another, not forsaking gathering together but joining together in unity in serving Jehovah.

We are all isolated now. Stay-at-home orders, lockdowns, quarantines really make it a challenge. The ability to use Zoom, or Skype or FaceTime allows us to see each other and see their smiles.

The common goal of the command above given by Jehovah is to build up each other's faith. As the scripture notes, the "day drawing near" means that things will get worse. There will be more diseases, more protest, more insanity. So, while the world is acting out their frustration by looting and burning, we sit calmy in our living rooms and talk with one another and provide strength and positivity.

We are grateful to Jehovah for the provision he provides through the Governing Body, to have meetings and regular schedule to meeting together to discuss Bible-related topics. Don't let anything get in the way of that, it's too important in this moment of time we are passing through.

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