You became precious in my eyes... and I have loved you. - Isa. 43:4This is Jehovah talking to you and me. To all of us. The Bible is abundantly rich with such expressions from our God, Jehovah. He is constantly reassuring us, like the text yesterday, about listening and obeying. We listen and obey because we in turn love our Father.
The comments today make this point:
No matter what trials his people may face, Jehovah promises to sustain and comfort them.He feels this way for us imperfect, miserable humans, who tail and scratch out an existence on this planet? You bet He does. As an organization, we have observed his promises being fulfilled daily! Many have died from this disease rampaging around the globe. His promises of a resurrection is wondeerful to meditate upon, and we look forward to seeing many come back, our friends, our relatives, those who don't know Jehovah will have to chance to learn about him. It will be wonderful.
But, we must all suffer before we get there. Each of us < b>will
be tested. We have to develop the firm resolve to trust our God, Jehovah, who is a "mighty One" who will act on our behalf.
This pandemic, though scary, is helping us to stay calm, look to Jehovah, and humbly follow His direction and guidance. No need to panic at all.
As the days get worse, meditating on the scriptures we read will help us focus on Jehovah, and His purposes, and not dwell on our own private misery.
Stay safe!
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