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Sunday, December 17, 2017

Jython: Dictionaries and list comprehension

I know I'm getting carried away with this list comprehension topic, but I'm finding it a lot of fun to see what else I can do with list comprehension. It also matches my other favorite topic (for another  day) of slicking and indexing. You will see some of it here. What I'm doing here is exploring more ways of doing list comprehension. I''m sure most of you know how to work with dictionaries.

Create a dictionary:

>>> D = {'a': 'aardvark', 'b': 'bear', 'c': 'cat', 'd': 'dog', 'e': 'elephant', 'f': 'fox', 'g': 'giraffe', 'h': 'hippo', 'i': 'insect'}

List comprehensions on a dictionary are a little more complicated than a list, but it's fairly easy.

>>> [x for x in D]
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i']
>>> [x for x in D.values()]
['aardvark', 'bear', 'cat', 'dog', 'elephant', 'fox', 'giraffe', 'hippo', 'insect']

Edited later:
>>> [x for x in D.items()]
[('a', 'apple'), ('b', 'balloon'), ('c', 'cat'), ('d', 'dog'), ('e', 'elephant'), ('f', ['fox'])]

>>> [x for x in D.items() if x[1] == 'elephant']
[('e', 'elephant')] # In this case, it sliced by element. Use x[0] to scan the keys.

You can use either .items() or .iteritems() to get key, value pairs,

Back to original post:

Say I want to get the last letter of each item in my dictionary values:

>>> [x[-1:] for x in D.values()]
['k', 'r', 't', 'g', 't', 'x', 'e', 'o', 't']

How about filtering:

# Get the elements where the last letter matches 't'.
>>> [x for x in D.values() if x[-1:] == 't']
['cat', 'elephant', 'insect']

As you see, slicing comes in handy with coding list comprehensions.

An earlier post, I eexplored how the dir() function can really be useful. Here's a little expansion on that topic:

>>> import os
>>> dir(os)
>>> len(dir(os))

I realized you really don't need a .startswith() or .endswith() call in a list comprehension to find matching elements. Just slice away!

Filter by first letter:
>>> [x for x in dir(os) if x[0] == 'e']
['environ', 'errno', 'error', 'extsep']

Outside of a list comprehensiuon, you would have to do this to get the first letter of an element.

>>> dir(os)[41]
>>> dir(os)[41][0]

In the list comprehension, I didn't have to. Why? Because x already indexes the list, so I'm slicing each element to return any string beginning with 'e'.

If you need to know the index numbers to process later, you could:

>>> [dir(os).index(x) for x in dir(os) if x[0] == 'e']
[41, 42, 43, 44]

>>> [(dir(os).index(x),x) for x in dir(os) if x[0] == 'e']
[(41, 'environ'), (42, 'errno'), (43, 'error'), (44, 'extsep')]

As I've mentioned before, thinking a list comprehension through is simply a matter of putting the result you want first, then building the list comprehension to reach your result, as you can see in the example above. Now you have index intergers for all the elements beginning with 'e' from the list.

It's not necessary to use the keyword print inside the interactive session, but if you put a list comprehension in a script and need to show your result, put print before the list comprehension (e.g. print [x for ...])

I know there are programmers out there who are smareter and more experienced than me. As you see, I'm a quick learner and I relish the opportunity to continue learning.

I'm not shoinw off at all. Instead, I view this as a way to prod you and your ideas, so you can achieve your own success and sense of satisfaction at having done it. I am limited in my hearing and eyesight, but it doesn't stop me from doing what I can and stay busy in what I really enjoy.

Until later, happy coding!

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